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Consumer are looking for preferred skin care ingredients to become part of their hair care routine
DSM Nutritional Products Europe Ltd.

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Consumer are looking for preferred skin care ingredients to become part of their hair care routine

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The way consumers approach beauty and personal care is still evolving in the wake of pandemic challenges. While some trends are no longer relevant, others have surged to the forefront. A clear example is the rise of resilient beauty, which accelerated sharply in 2020. The desire for essential self-care suddenly became acute, but with a trip to the salon or spa no longer possible, consumers took a ‘DIY’ approach and turned to trusted rituals and ingredients to restore calm, detox and de-stress at home.

Alongside this need for repair and recovery is a resolve to face the future with renewed strength, and to take preventive action for self and for the planet. The pandemic has heightened consumer sensibilities in this area, which points to this second driver of the resilient beauty trend: embracing sustainable​ innovation in skin and hair solutions – a way to take care now and take action for the future.

The growing influence of skin care on hair and scalp needs

These changing attitudes and priorities among consumers about their personal care are being reflected in the latest hair care trends. In particular, the influence of skin care habits on hair care needs is becoming clear. This ‘skinification’ of hair care solutions indicates that ingredients really do matter, and those that are trending and trusted in skin care applications, such as vitamins, are increasingly sought after by consumers in hair and scalp care products. In a study conducted by DSM among 2,100 consumers on their hair care preferences, 56% believe that active ingredient is more important than brand, package or fragrance when it comes to purchasing decisions[1]​. Voices from DSM’s Consumer Insights Hub, a platform for straight-from-the-source input, confirm this sentiment:

“The more natural the product is, the more vitamins it has, the better it is for you. I am all for products that offer additional vitamins to support hair growth and anything like that to just take care of yourself.” – Matt, 42

The insights and research data also reflect a growing consumer focus and interest in managing hair loss and prioritizing scalp care. The latter encompasses a broad range of needs, from moisturization to managing sensitivity to preventing damage and itchiness.

“I feel really sad when my hair comes out. It's very thin and I haven't got a lot around the front. Every time I wash it or brush it, more comes out.” – Kier, age 35

“When I have dandruff or an itchy head, I get really frustrated and embarrassed because it makes you feel less clean.” – Leah, 38

The growing popularity of premium products, as well as conditioners and treatments, is partly answering these needs, with over a third of consumers in the DSM study using scalp cleansing products at home[2]​. Additionally, 44% believe in using moisturizing solutions to fight scalp issues[3]​.

This growing interest in scalp care naturally extends to the hair itself, with consumers increasingly making the connection between a healthy scalp and healthy hair. Thirty-six percent are using scalp care products at home to combat hair loss, reflecting the hands-on/DIY shift[4]​. However, 44% of consumers indicated that they are not satisfied with current product offerings to address hair loss, indicating a gap (and an opportunity) for brands[5]​. Nearly half are interested in more preventive solutions, indicating a connection to resilient beauty drivers[6]​.

“My ideal solution would be something like a shampoo or a cleanser or some kind of moisturizer that you could put on your scalp, that didn't weigh your hair down, and that cleansed your hair, too. That would be perfect.” – Tabitha, 45

Powerful ingredients tackle consumer concerns

In order to support product developments that align with these diverse hair care needs and trends, DSM leveraged its long-standing expertise in hair care to identify those skin care ingredients that could also deliver key benefits in scalp and hair care solutions. From a portfolio of over 20 science-backed, proven skin care ingredients, DSM’s hair and skin care experts identified four that can answer consumers’ hair and scalp concerns and invested in new in vivo studies to confirm their efficacy and generate new clinical data. In addition to high performance, these ingredients also align with the growing consumer interest in environmentally friendly and sustainable personal care innovations, with some delivering benefits such as biodegradability, locally sourced, microbiome friendly and clean beauty certified.

In an in vivo study of 30 volunteers using ALPAFLOR EDELWEISS CB, there was a 13% increase in hair density after five months, and the same number reported darker hair after four months. For the full half we found 50% less grey hair (versus placebo) after four months. Ninety percent of volunteers noticed an increased speed of hair growth, and 83% perceived a decrease in the number of grey hairs. ALPAFLOR EDELWEISS CB is biodegradable, preservative-free and Fair for Life certified and locally sourced using socially responsible practices.

Biodegradable scalp care ingredient PENTAVITIN protects and moisturizes the scalp and promotes ideal scalp conditions with less sebum and less flaking. Data from the in vivo study show visible reduction in scalp flaking after one application and a 55% reduction after frequent showering with shampoos containing this bioactive in low doses. Volunteers confirmed its efficacy, with 60% stating that their “scalp feels hydrated and healthy.”

Microbiome friendly-certified TILAMAR Boost ​150 generates long-lasting volume in different hair types and improves wet combing. In the in vivo half-head hairdresser test, hair that was dried after using shampoo with this ingredient showed a significant increase in overall volume. BEAUPLEX ​VH includes a blend of five vitamins that are fully traceable and sustainable. Volunteers showed a 28% increase in hair density after five months of treatment, and in their post-study feedback 93% noticed an increased speed of hair growth.

Personalized hair and scalp care, fit for the future

Merging its competencies in skin care and hair care, DSM leveraged these ingredients in its Hair Care box, a solutions-focused collection of four hair and scalp care products. It features a strengthening shampoo and a nourishing hair mask paired with customizable shots that deliver personalized and targeted benefits, such as growth & vitality or shine & repair. A reactivator serum helps to prevent hair loss and fights against hair grey with vitamins and flower extract, while the scalp care scrub is formulated to reduce scalp sebum and to provide visible reduction of scalp flaking.

These expertly formulated products answer the hair and scalp care concerns that are top of mind for consumers – such as combatting hair loss and caring for the scalp – while also meeting growing expectations that new innovations and technologies will also embody social and environmental responsibility.

With a focus on tested and trusted ingredients, today’s hair and scalp care solutions can further enable the trend toward resilient beauty: taking care now and taking action for a better future.

[1]​ DSM own study

[2]​ DSM own study

[3]​ DSM own study

[4]​ Mintel

[5]​ DSM own study

[6]​ DSM own study

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